What we need the most:
A covered arena is a very important need and will be our goal for this year's fundraising event. Our participants need to have consistent time in their sessions without interruption due to excessive heat, rain, cold or wind. With a cover we can shelter from heat and rain and will have attachable vinyl sides during cold and wind.
Other Ways To Donate:
-Sponsor a horse for a year for $3500. Your name will be on a plate attached to the stall of the horse you sponsor.
Please call Darla Wurtz at 254-900-7715
-Make a donation for a nameplate starting at $60.00. In Memory of, In honor of, or Donated by with your name on it. We will attach it to our arena. Please call Darla Wurtz at 254-900-7715
-We are having a golf tournament in the Spring in Mart Texas! Look for information to follow soon.
-Donate by shopping through Amazon Smile!
Go to smile.amazon.com
Log in with your amazon.com account info
Click "Get Started" and choose Cross Creek Meadows as your charity
Now every time you purchase an item through smile.amazon.com, Amazon will donate .05% of your eleigible purchases to Cross Creek
Thank You for Your Support!